My Sandbox

One thing I always had as a child was a sandbox. Not only did I play in the sand, but, according to my sister, I also ate sand.

I loved making roads to wherever I wanted to go. Sometimes I would visit my grandparents who lived a few miles away. Sometimes I would visit my other grandparents who lived in another state, singing all the way—as we did in real life.

There were days I would build castles from my favorite fairy tales. I would scold the winds and rain that ruined them then insist I  would never, ever. build another castle as long as I lived. But, of course, I did.

I love what Albert Eintstein said:

If you want your children to be intelligent,

  read them fairy tales.

If you want them to be more intelligent,

read them more fairy tales.

The sandbox was a great place to sharpen my imagination. And that’s exactly what the Lookout! Lookout! Snids Got Out books seek to do:

1) give kids a place to sharpen their imaginations,  and

2) give kids a reason to laugh.

Gramma D

Author Words

Books have always fascinated me. At the age of four, I was given an A is for Adam alphabet book. I persistently begged my parents for help with words and it wasn’t long till could read on my own. My early favorites were fairy tales, such as Snow White and Cinderella, plus rhyming stories, such as Mary Had a Little Lamb and This Little Pig.

At an early age I understood the importance of being able to read. If you could read, you could learn anything. I also understood the difference between ho-hum books and books that motivated reading.

When our kids came along, they heard the same fairy tales and rhyming stories I loved as a child. As they got older, we got into books like Charlotte’s Web and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

I must thank my grandkids for asking me to make up stories. Obviously, I’m still doing that. “Lookout! Lookout! Snids Got Out in New York City!” is the first book of a series. My dream is to write stories that make kids laugh. I didn’t expect adults to laugh as much as the kids, but they do—parents, grandparents and great grandparents, too. So be sure to watch for the next Snids books and have fun guessing where those witty Snids will turn up next.